Post Sridevi’s funeral, Anil Kapoor shares a touching statement. CineEye, February 28, 2018September 26, 2019 The Kapoor, Ayyappan and Marwah family have bid a tearful adieu to Sridevi. The 54-year old actress left the entire film industry as well as the nation in shock post her sudden demise on February 24 in Dubai where she had gone to attend the wedding of Mohit Marwah (Boney Kapoor’s nephew). The actress was given the stately honour in Mumbai on Wednesday, post which she was cremated in the evening. She was given a state funeral with her body wrapped in the tricolour and a gun salute by the Mumbai Police. Soon after the last rites of the actress were over, Anil Kapoor took to his Twitter account and shared a joint statement issued by the Kapoor, Ayyappan and Marwah family. Here is the entire statement: — Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) February 28, 2018 Events