Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter at the trailer launch of “Dhadak” CineEye, June 11, 2018September 26, 2019 The trailer of Dhadak starring Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor has been launched. Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter’s much awaited film was launched at an event in Mumbai. The film set in Rajasthan is a official adaptation of Nagraj Manjule’s 2017 hit Sairat. The 3-minute long video takes us to Janhvi and Ishaan’s journey of love, which initially was one-sided. Talking about the actors, Karan Johar said, “Ishaan and Janhvi are special to all of us”. Karan Johar was launched the audio version of the Hindi version of Zingat along with trailer. On talking about adapting Sairat, director Shashank Khaitan said, “I was extremely nervous to adapt Sairat. The story is relatable and I wanted tell the story to everyone. I am glad that I could make Dhadak. Also, I am extremely proud of Janhvi and Ishaan. During the media interaction, Janhvi said that she is nervous bit excited at the same time. While Ishaan said when he saw Sairat he was completely taken in and wanted to be a part of Dhadak. Families of both the actors attended the launch event to support them. Present were CEO of Zee Studios Shariq Patel, CEO of Dharma Productions Apoorva Mehta, lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya, music composers Ajay – Atul, Boney Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Harshvardhan Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor and Neelima Azim. More picture: Check the out the trailer link below: Dhadak directed by Shashank Khaitan is produced by Zee Studios and Dharma Productions. The film is slated to release on 20th July 2018. upcoming release dates