Making movies with Kareena Kapoor Khan is like going on a wild picnic: says Akshay Kumar CineEye, November 25, 2019December 5, 2019 On the screen once again in ‘Good Newwz’, Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan are all set to sizzle. After impressing the audience with their chemistry in films like, ‘Aitraaz’ and ‘Kambakkht Ishq’, Akshay recently opened up about his experience of shooting with Kareena again with a news portal. According to Akshay, making movies with Bebo is like going on a wild picnic. He thinks she is fabulous at everything she does. Even when she goofs up, Kareena is enigmatic. The actor also added that with sound of one clap, she switches from being a mummy, friend and co-star to a professional queen of cinema. Akshay also stated that he knows fans have been waiting for them to reunite, and nothing could be more perfect than this film for both of them, right now. ‘Good Newwz’ also stars Diljit Dosanjh and Kiara Advani in the lead roles. The movie reportedly deals with mix-up of sperms at an IVF clinic between two couples of the same surname. Directed by Raj Mehta, the film is slated to hit the theatres on December 27, 2019. BREAKING News cineeye- Magazine Events Exclusive Feature Exclusive Pictures Film News First Look Interviews Movie Reviews Social Welfare Actressakshay kumarAria CommunicationsBollywoodcineeyediljit dosanjhFilmsForbeshindikareena kapoor khanKiara Advani