Chhapaak Vs Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior box office day 2: Ajay Devgn film surges ahead with Rs 35.10 cr, Deepika Padukone movie collects Rs 10.77cr CineEye, January 12, 2020 Deepika Padukone’s latest offering Chhapaak showed growth on the second day of the release, making a jump of 35% in the collections from Friday. Ajay Devgn’s Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior, on the other hand, saw a 40% jump in the box office collections. While Chhapaak earned Rs 10.77 crore in two days, Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior collected Rs 35.10 crore. A Boxofficeindia report claimed Chhapaak made Rs 6 crore while Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior earned Rs 20 crore on day two of their releases. Sharing day one figures of the movies, trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted, “#Tanhaji exceeds expectations and posts healthy total on Day 1… Biz grew rapidly from post-noon onwards… Excellent in #Maharashtra [#Mumbai, parts of #CP and #Nizam circuits]… Glowing word of mouth should ensure solid growth on Day 2 and 3… Fri ₹ 15.10 cr. #India biz.” “#Chhapaak is ordinary on Day 1… Collects well at select high-end multiplexes… Biz at Tier-2 and 3 cities and also mass circuits is way below the mark… Growth on Day 2 and 3 crucial for a respectable weekend total… Fri ₹ 4.77 cr. #India biz,” he wrote. Directed by Om Raut, Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior reunites Omkara stars Ajay Devgn and Saif Ali Khan – once again in a similar equation. Ajay plays the titular role of Tanjhaji Malasure with Kajol essaying the role of his wife Savitribai. The film is a period saga that traces the story of Tanhaji Malusare, a subedaar in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s army. Directed by Meghna Gulzar, Chhapaak is the story of acid attack survivor Malti (essayed by Deepika). The film is loosely based on Delhi’s Laxmi Aggarwal’s life and also features Vikrant Massey in a pivotal role. The film also marks Deepika’s debut as a producer. Elaborating on why she chose to do a non-glamourous role, Deepika had said before the release, “I have chosen this film because I found the narrative interesting. I found the story compelling. The story of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal required to be told. There was a connection between her grit and determination and human spirit. I have chosen it in the same way as I would have chosen any other film.” Box Office Collection Report Exclusive Feature Ajay DevgnchhapaakDeepika Padukonekajolsaif ali khantanhajiVikrant Massey