Kangana Ranaut Calls Out Prominent Film Critic CineEye, July 8, 2020 Kangana Ranaut openly calls out prominent film critic on Twitter after Bollywood director, Hansal Mehta asked Amitabh Bachchan to unfollow KRK on social media. Right after Hansal Mehta asked Amitabh Bachchan to unfollow KRK on social media, Kangana Ranaut came up with a post about the “fancy liberals” of Bollywood. The actor has been talking openly about the “emotional lynching” that late actor Sushant Singh Rajput went through in the industry. Here’s what she said. The recent Kangana Ranaut’s tweets called out a prominent film critic Rajeev Masand. She accused him of writing many “blind articles” on the late actor, Sushant Singh Rajput. She also called on the netizens to speak up against such “powerful” people and not make KRK the only punching bag. Meanwhile, KRK recently released a video bashing the late actor, Sushant Singh Rajput after the trailer of his posthumous film, Dil Bechara released yesterday. Not taking to it kindly, director Hansal Mehta and actor Manoj Bajpayee warned the “critic” against posting things like this on social media. However, this only seems to have aggravated KRK and he promised to drop a video about the two Bollywood celebs on his Twitter soon. But it seems, Hansal Mehta is not one to back down and he tweeted warning KRK of the consequences. He even went on to create an online petition and asked Amitabh Bachchan to sign it and unfollow KRK on social media. Not only this but Mehta also retweeted Kangana Ranaut’s post and praised her for “calling out powerful people”. Kangana Ranaut has been openly talking about how Bollywood industry, especially the media were not favourable towards Sushant Singh Rajput. She also cited this as a possible reason for the actor’s depression which might have led to him taking his life. Recently, after Hansal Mehta asked Amitabh Bachchan to unfollow Kamal R Khan, Kangana talked about prominent film critics of Bollywood who “gang up on outsiders”. BREAKING News Film News Amitabh BachchanHansal mehtaKangana RanautKRK