Deepika Padukone to be summoned by NCB in Bollywood drug probe CineEye, September 22, 2020 The Narcotics Control Bureau is set to summon Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone in connection to a drug case that sprung out of the investigations into the Sushant Singh Rajput death probe. According to channel Times Now, a few drug chats that came under NCB’s scrutiny had mentions of individuals with initials ‘D’ and ‘K’. While D has allegedly been identified as Deepika Padukone, ‘K’ is Karishma who is a KWAN Talent Management Agency employee. The report also stated that Karishma, who manages Deepika, will be questioned tomorrow by the agency. The channel also stated that Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan will be quizzed by the NCB. An NCB source revealed that the drug law enforcement agency got the lead on Sara and Shraddha after it was found that they went on an island near Pune multiple times for parties with SSR. Earlier, the NCB had confirmed that Rhea Chakraborty confessed Sara Ali Khan, Rakul Preet Singh and Simone Khambatta have consumed narcotics substance. Source : Times Now BREAKING News Sushant Singh Rajput Case Deepika PadukoneNCBRakul preet singhsara ali khanshraddha kapoorSimone Khambatta