Rohit Shetty will next work with Deepika Padukone in Singham Again. The two have previously collaborated on the successful Chennai Express. CineEye, December 10, 2022 Deepika Padukone is controlled and knows what she’s doing, need to tame Ranveer Singh’: Rohit Shetty on directing the two stars.. Rohit Shetty recently announced that Deepika Padukone, his Meenamma from Chennai Express, is all set to be Lady Singham in Singham Again with Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh. Now that the filmmaker has made such a huge announcement of finally casting the first lady cop in his cop universe, here’s what he has to say about how different it is to direct Deepika and Ranveer, his Simmba and Cirkus star. Speaking at a recent press conference, the filmmaker said, “I think the difference is, this boy (Ranveer), we have to tame him. He is like a generator and goes on, one has to hold him, whereas Deepika is controlled, she knows what she’s doing. Even Ranveer knows, he is very hard working where comedy is concerned. About casting Deepika as his first female cop, Rohit stated, “My next film is Singham from our cop universe. Everybody keeps asking me when I’ll introduce Lady Singham. So, here it is, Deepika Padukone will be the Lady Singham in Singham Again. She is my lady bomb from the cop universe, and we’re going to start working together on it next year. Sharing an anecdote from his experience of directing the star couple for Cirkus’ song “Current Laga Re”, Rohit said, “For Current Laga Re song Ranveer rehearsed for around ten days, and Deepika was straight on set. While Deepika has worked with the director on Cheenai Express, Rohit and Ranveer have collaborated on Simmba and Cirkus. Singh also made an appearance in Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif’s Sooryavanshi….. BREAKING News