Nimrat Kaur celebrates birthday in Delhi, says, ‘Last year has been like a bookmark in my life’ CineEye, March 15, 2023 Actor Nimrat Kaur, who turned 41 on March 13, talks about the year gone by, her birthday celebration and more. For Nimrat Kaur, birthdays are all about spending quality time with family. And this year, as she turned 41 on March 13, the Commando actor enjoyed an intimate but fun celebrating with family and relatives in Delhi. “It was all the more special because after Covid, it was the first time that my maasi and mama came down from Canada. I had not seen them in 3-4 years. It was a family reunion of sorts,” shares Kaur as she recalls how childhood birthdays were all about cakes and parties, but the celebration has become simpler with passing time. Elaborating on how family time has become more important, she shares, “As a child, I remember how my mom used to bake a cake on birthday and my excitement was about getting those gems on the cake. However, now as a grown up, what’s more important for me is to be around family because I do not live with them. So, every birthday, I make sure that I travel or be at home with them.” Ask her how would she define the year gone by and what was the highlight of it, the Dasvi (2021) actor tells us that “last year feel like sort of life marker.” “A lot of exciting and new things happened in this year. I changed my house. Moving to a new place was a major step. Moreover, I bought myself a new car, which was like a dream car for a while. Professionally also, last year has been really interesting as it’s been my busiest year yet as I worked in four different projects. It’s really been a very progressive. It’s been a year that has brought in change for me in every sphere – be it professional or personal. So, it’s been like a bookmark in my life,” says Kaur, who shot for Happy Teacher’s Day that is slated to release later this year. But amid all the changes, Kaur made sure that she also grows as a person. “I can sense that I am becoming “more and more free, and more and more forgiving of myself as a person”, she shares, and goes on to point out how Sometimes you tend to be very harsh on yourself “as there’s a certain kind of condition that you’re used to… you’re used to a certain kind of mindset, value systems that don’t allow you to grow at times. You are just afraid of being judged or afraid of letting go of fear, and conditioning.” Kaur says it’s an ongoing process of moving past it and she is in a very initial phase. Kaur mentions, “I won’t say that I’ve perfected that. But I do know that I’m in a place where I judge myself less. I’m willing to take bigger, higher risks in life. And I’ve really become very cognizant of not letting draining energy in – whether it’s from people professionally or personally. I feel like I really have learned to prioritize my time, I’d rather spend my time with myself doing nothing than spend it with people where I feel like you’re not doing it out of some sense of duty or responsibility or, you know, it’s not actually good for me in the bigger practices that I’ve shed a lot of fears and inhibitions. And I’m becoming more free and fearless.” On one advice she would like to give to her younger self, Kaur shares, “That little girl should know that you’ll never really have everything figured out. You’re always going to keep learning how to make things better. Perfection is nothing and it’s all about the journey.” Events