Despite Being Away From Films For 5 Years, Anushka Sharma Retains Her Stardom CineEye, January 29, 2024 Anushka Sharma debuted in Bollywood alongside Shah Rukh Khan. Many celebs take sabbatical from films, every now and then. One such leading lady of Bollywood chose to do the same, but that choice did not deter her success or financial gains. We are talking about actress Anushka Sharma, who only appeared in one film in the last 5 years. She is enjoying a life of luxury with her cricketer husband Virat Kohli and daughter, Vamika. Aside from that, her fan following also didn’t get affected due to her lack of screen presence, unsurprisingly she gets the same amount of love from fans even today. Since 2018, Anushka Sharma has not appeared in any significant role on the silver screen, but this has not impacted her earnings in any form. As per reports, her current net worth is calculated to be around Rs 250 to Rs 300 crore. Anushka Sharma reportedly charges Rs 10 to Rs 12 for a film project, while for an advertisement she gets paid around Rs 3 crore. She also earns a significant amount from her many brand endorsements. Anushka is also the owner of a production house called Clean Slate Filmz, which has produced films like NH 10, Phillauri, and Pari. She is also an investor in other notable companies, the reports further state. With her husband Virat Kohli, the actress owns a property, which is reported to be worth Rs 34 crore, and another property worth Rs 80 crore, in Gurgaon. The couple is also reported to have bought a farmhouse worth Rs 19 crore in Alibaug. They also own a property which was formerly owned by the Bollywood legend Kishore Kumar, and it has now been transformed into a luxurious restaurant. Anushka Sharma is going to grace the silver screen this year with the film Chakda Express. She is going to be seen as the women’s cricket legend, Jhulan Goswami, in the film BREAKING News
Anushka Sharma reportedly charges Rs 10 to Rs 12 for a film project, while for an advertisement she gets paid around Rs 3 crore. She also earns a significant amount from her many brand endorsements. Anushka is also the owner of a production house called Clean Slate Filmz, which has produced films like NH 10, Phillauri, and Pari. She is also an investor in other notable companies, the reports further state. With her husband Virat Kohli, the actress owns a property, which is reported to be worth Rs 34 crore, and another property worth Rs 80 crore, in Gurgaon. The couple is also reported to have bought a farmhouse worth Rs 19 crore in Alibaug. They also own a property which was formerly owned by the Bollywood legend Kishore Kumar, and it has now been transformed into a luxurious restaurant. Anushka Sharma is going to grace the silver screen this year with the film Chakda Express. She is going to be seen as the women’s cricket legend, Jhulan Goswami, in the film