Shah Rukh Khan might make his debut as a writer in an upcoming Netflix series CineEye, August 28, 2019September 26, 2019 Shah Rukh Khan is Collaborating with Team of Political Columnists for Netflix Series: Report As per reports, Shah Rukh Khan might make his debut as a writer in an upcoming Netflix series. Shah Rukh Khan may be on his way to being credited as a writer on a political series for Netflix, as per report. While the actor made it clear several times that he not doing any films until he does one, SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment has been collaborating with Netflix for original content creation– Typewriter, Bard of Blood being notable ones. But, SRK collaborating with writers for an upcoming venture, to stream on Netflix, is really exciting. As per the report, the project with Netflix was bankrolled three months earlier and that SRK was going to be a producer on the series, until now. A report in Mid-Day states SRK is taking keenly to writing. It goes on to claim that the actor has even joined his team of writers, which includes “renowned political columnists.” It remains uncertain whether he will take writing credits for his role or not. The website quoted a source close to the matter as saying, “Khan, who is enjoying a self-imposed sabbatical since Zero (2018), has joined the writing team in scripting the show. He sits with the team, which includes renowned political columnists, to discuss the material every day. Given his vast knowledge of world politics, he comes up with scenes, referencing them from real-life events and the workings of the political dynasties around the globe.” They added, “Whether he is taking credit for the concept or writing is yet to be known. However, the superstar has taken to writing keenly.” BREAKING News